gratitude · life with muse and maestro

gratitude 04.22.19

  • I have so much more to be grateful for than I can ever list here.
  • one of Maestro’s birthday gifts came early – it’s a subscription box with food in it so I didn’t have any control over when we got it or when we should open it – and it inspired me to make rice crispy treats for the first time ever because they remind me of our honeymoon. It wasn’t a hard thing to do, but it was a new thing, and that was nice.
gratitude · life with muse and maestro · photos

gratitude 03.31.19

  • went for a nice long walk with Maestro today in the gloomy early spring weather 💙
  • got a lot of things done today, which is always nice! now I will not feel overwhelmed during the week, thankfully, considering I’m adding on more hours starting Monday.
  • actually I got a lot done this weekend in general! and I feel less overwhelmed in general lately.
everything and nothing · gratitude · life with muse and maestro

gratitude 03.30.19

  • Maestro and I used to nap a lot together; now that we (have) live(d) together (for ~5 years?) we don’t do that so much anymore. But today we had a nice snuggly nap and it was very lovely.
artist’s depiction of our nap
  • there is starting — starting! — to look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for school. Only being able to go part time has made it take way longer than it might have otherwise, along with changing majors midstream. Still, I don’t know that I would have done it much differently — trying to do it differently just set me back further. So it’s nice to know that there’s an end in sight!